The “Joy” in “Joy Division”: What’s the Best Way To Deal With a “Moody” Teen?

Being a busy parent has an impact on everybody in the family. And as our children get older, they may start to step away from us physically, emotionally, and in terms of the family unit. A very common example is when our kids become teenagers. They can be misconstrued as “moody,” and, of course, we all remember that, when we were teenagers, we were exactly the same. As parents, we might want to try and fix the issue to bridge the gap, but how can we really deal with a teenager that is moody?
Give Them the Space They Need

This is not just for their sake, but for your sake as well. Sometimes, we all want to have duvet days, where we just want to retreat into ourselves. While teenagers can typify “moody,” sometimes, we need to just give in to this and give them a few things to help them retreat into their shells. Whether it's a large, black graphic hoodie, so they can literally shield themselves from the world, or give them space in their room, it's far better for everybody for your teenager to decompress, especially if they are having a tough day.
Do Not Take It Personally

It can take us off guard when they start being a smart aleck and can think it's directed at us, but we have to remember that it's about everything they are going through. You always hurt the ones you love, and this type of behavior they are displaying could be as surprising to them as it is to us. They're not trying to make us miserable but they're trying to find their own way. It's not about you, but all you can do is be there if they need help and support. They do not hate you and do not want to make you miserable, but they're trying to figure out who they are, and as a result, they may want more independence, but they are showing it in a very different way.
Keep Yourself Calm

One of the biggest issues we can have as parents is when our children shout at us and we can easily chastise them about their mood swings, but we've got to remember that we shouldn't fuel the fire. Keep calm, and remember that there is absolutely no situation that benefits from an overreaction. When in doubt, ignore what they have to say. You could feel like your back is up and you've got to say something to prove yourself, but if you've already been working hard as a parent to try and do everything you can in your power, your actions will speak louder than any words.
Remember What They Need

It can benefit us all to educate ourselves about what is happening during the teenage years, and sometimes our children don't know why they feel the way they do, so if you can share that information with them, they will be more aware of their heightened emotions and they will have a better chance of controlling them.

It's not easy to deal with the so-called “moody” teenager, but there are plenty of options to help you and them.

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