How to Start Your Day: 8 Morning Rituals

You have the whole day ahead and you need to start it in a positive way. Mornings are associated with the sunrise, warm blanket, slumber, alarm clock, and coffee. Waking up early is especially tough for “owls”, people whose ideal circadian rhythm is to stay up late and sleep till noon. But there are some tricks that will help any person start their day in a healthy way and feel energetic throughout the day.

Wake up without an alarm clock. 

It may seem unreal but according to contemporary physiologists, it’s possible to train your organism to wake up every morning at one and the same time. Physicians recommend to wake up to natural light. But what if it’s too dark at the time you need to wake up? In this case, you can’t do without an alarm set on your smartphone. In order not to sleep through the alarm, put your phone in different places. Today it can be the windowsill, tomorrow – a dressing table. The trick is you can’t ignore the sound and will leave your bed to switch it off.

Turn the light on.

If you can’t open your eyes, reach out for a switch – bright light will create an illusion of daylight, help you wake up and feel vivacious.

Look at a nice picture. 

The interior of your bedroom can also help or hamper your awakening. What you see first when you wake up will influence your mood and encourage or discourage you from getting up. Hang the picture of a beautiful landscape or your favorite photograph on the wall and look at it every morning for inspiration.

Drink a glass of water, not a cup of coffee. 

A glass of water with a slice of lemon will activate your digestive system and help you wake up. Many people prefer morning coffee because they know caffeine has an immediate awakening effect. You can drink a cup of coffee but do it a bit later (after you take a shower). Make sure a glass of water is your first drink after awakening.

Stretch a bit. 

Many people don’t have time for jogging or bike ride in the morning, but it’s very important to get your muscles in tone after sleep. Stretching will get your blood flowing to your limbs making you feel energetic.

Activate your brain. 

The first waking hours are the most productive because your brain is fresh and ready to process new information. Unfortunately, most of us waste these precious hours reading news feed or watching morning talk-shows. It will be more useful to read through an important document, compile a to-do list, or simply ponder over something.

Enjoy the silence. 

Some might think that loud rhythmic music will facilitate their waking-up, set the right mood for the day, and help them do their morning routines faster. However, it has the opposite effect. You get distracted by the lyrics, start dancing and get into that mood. As a result, you come to your office to realize that you forgot your phone and lunch at
home. In order to focus, prepare for the working day in silence. You can listen to music on your way to work.

Take another path. 

It’s a good idea to change the route you take to get to your office. If you drive on one and the same street every day, try to take an alternative route. It may take you more time to get to your destination but new objects and neighborhoods you’ll see on your way will relieve the monotony of your daily commuting.

The article is provided by the guys behind BridesBay, the dating website for single men that want to date Russian girls.


  1. These are great morning rituals. I like to stretch a bit to wake up those old tired muscles of mine.

  2. I don't know if I could get up without an alarm.^^; I'd be getting up at noon every

  3. Great tips. I like the idea of taking a different path. I always go the same way. That goes for everywhere I go. I have my one path. I am going to shake things up a bit and go for a more random approach.

  4. I wish I could wake up when I needed to without an alarm, but 99% of the time I don't even hear my LOUD alarm! I sleep too sound and it irritates me. Once I'm up and out of bed though, I have to keep moving. If I sit down for even two minutes I start to fall back to sleep. So annoying, even if I've slept for 8, 10, 12 hours! UGH!

  5. I am so bad at waking up in the morning. Thanks for these tips.
