Livati Body Dynamix: Awesome Home Workout

Here we are approaching the four-week marker for the New Year. How many of you have given up on your resolutions? How many haven't started yet? Mine are hanging in the balance, I'm sorry., I had to make 2 road trips in 5 days and it really threw me off my game. It's hard to eat healthy without a kitchen nearby and being on a time limit.

There are so many of us that have families and jobs that slightly interfere with the plan. Life is unpredictable but, don't let it win. You can be the amazing you that you want to be. If you have stepped away from the plan out of inconvenience, that's okay. I still appreciate your effort.

I want to show you another awesome workout that is super easy to use and keep up with. Livati Body Dynamix. This is an awesome workout and in my opinion, I think it's great for all shapes and sizes including all levels of fitness. What i mean by that is at my biggest and at my most fit times, this would be a freat way to help me get moving. It makes me happy that there are normal people in these videos. They are not all intimidating size 1 models.  These are average people just like me that are getting it done. I can follow this so much better than I can an unrealistic flow and instructor.

 The best part of it is, it's flexible. There is no need to stress out over not being able to get it all in. There are 7 routines and Debbie Siebers has done a great job of breaking it down so you can do a few steps every day instead of all of it every day.

What I received in my package is the DVD and a towel. It's so neat. The towel has a dual purpose. It's great for drying off and also for holding your arms in position.

This workout video is low impact and so easy to adjust to your liking. I love that. In the beginning, it has a section called Take a Seat. This is something that is a great idea. Aron has had surgery on his feet. Sometimes, he has a hard time moving around and something like this is just his speed.

When she was talking abut taking a seat I was a skeptic at first because really, what can you do sitting down.

Wow! You can exercise sitting down to all you other doubters. It Is Possible. She said this is a great work out for at least 3 times a week.

There are a few exercises that are standing but that is an option and she says that you can adjust it to where you are comfortable. I think this is such an awesome routine. I really do understand the reasoning behind a low impact routine. Going Gung-Ho is fun and all but, getting burned out is so easy to do.

This is so easy to follow and understand. Working with this instruction is so comfortable to get in the groove too. It's been a good time doing this workout. There is no time either. Weights are optional and can be adjusted to your liking. Starting out with moderate and working my way up to heavy. This is so cool!!

Don't let the weights be an intimidating expense. There are so many household items that you can use in place of weights. There is no need to make a huge investment on a set of weights if you aren't ready to make that kind of commitment.

Household Items that can substitute weights.

Can of Vegetables
Salad Dressing
Box of noodles

Bag of potatoes
Bag of oranges

Bigger bag of potatoes or oranges

Gallon of water

10 lb
Pet Food
Medium bowling ball

There are way more options than that and I'm sure if I googled it, I could list a lot more but, I'm sure that would take all of the fun out of it for you. I am thinking that would be a fun post. It would take all day running around the house weighing stuff. It actually sounds fun!

I hope this helps you stay on track, get back on track, or maybe even sways your mind to find the track :)

I received this for free in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us directly at [email protected] or [email protected] 

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