Whiffer Sniffers Series #4 Review

I love seeing awesome stuff that can go into an Easter basket that kids will love forever! What I am getting ready to show you is so cool, I wish your eye hadn't just skimmed to the pictures!! It would be so awesome to have a drum roll and a curtain that opened when your eyes got to here!
(drum roll)
Whiffer Sniffers!!

Do you remember scratch and sniff stickers in all of their glory? The awesome page decorators that gave more than just a little pizazz to any report, note, or letter. Well, Whiffer Sniffers have gone above and beyond the call of duty to make that a thing again.

They offer scented backpack clips, plush dolls, and stickers to the world. This brings up so many awesome memories rushing to me. I was so excited reading the press release n these guys I called my mom, my sister, and was replying before I got through the whole product list.

I received the whole 4th series of backpack clips for a review. Each Whiffer Sniffer comes in its own cylinder shaped container that holds in the delicious scents.

Howie Rolls Backpack Clip,
Sonny Shine Backpack ClipPhil O'Jelly Backpack ClipSour Saul Backpack Clip
Mystery Pack #8May B. Minty Backpack ClipIzzy Sodalicious Backpack ClipMystery Pack #9

Jay Bean Backpack Clip (not pictured)

These guys make the best gifts for all ages. We have kids in our family from pre-K to 10th grade and all of them love these! They have clips right on their tops and hang down. They are really cool.

Whiffer Sniffers has an interactive website that I think is really cool for kids to check out. There are games Chilly Pepper Snowball Fight and Memory.

Chilly Pepper Snowball Fight is a game to click and throw snowballs and try to hit the Chilly pepper as many times as you can in a set amount of time. The Chilly Pepper makes noises on impact. It's really cute. It shows hits, misses, and accuracy.

The memory game is flip over cards to show with 3 difficulty settings. It counts matches and keeps track of turns. Very cool. It's one of those addictive games that I wanted to keep playing to see if I could beat my own score!

Their site also offers craftable ideas, coloring pages, and videos. The coloring pages are really easy to get they download and you can print right at home for even more extra fun time with Whiffer Sniffers.

Keep up with Whiffer Sniffers to see all of their awesome news and new products Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, and Instagram,

I received these for free to facilitate this review. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us directly at [email protected] or [email protected]

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