Online Test Prep and Homework/ Tutoring

Do you have high school students? My first daughter is nearing the end of her high school career and getting ready for college is so much more stressful than I thought. I have been so worried about her testing and will she score high enough to get into a good college. A scholarship is very important to us.

I have been searching for online help to help with testing and prep programs. I finally found one! Caddell Prep is an online test prep program that has all of the practice our kids need. It's so crazy we have 4 kids that will be in college within the next 6 years. We have lots of practicing to do.

Caddell Prep offers three services  Online Test Prep, Free Web-Based Homework Assignments for Teachers and Students, and One-on-One Tutoring and Small-Class Test Prep (on Staten Island). I love companies show their clients they really care by going that extra mile. Face to face tutoring is so awesome. We don't live in their face to face service area but it would be amazing if we did.

The tests that Caddell Prep helps with include the following.
  • SHSAT (Specialized High School Admissions Tests)
  • TACHS (Test for Admission to Catholic High Schools)
  • SAT
  • SAT: Our Review of Math Fundamentals
Those are all so important. We have been pushing her so hard for the past 11 years to go as far as she can and now we are almost to the finish line!

So, what does it cost? That's a big question. Well, that's the simple part. It's only $9 a month for the subscription. What makes it even better is, there are fee parts too.

There are vocabulary flashcards and quizzes.  I like the vocabulary, it helped me bring a broader selection to my writing. This is an amazing idea to help with tutoring. Our youngest daughter is going to start homeschooling this year and it will be a great resource for her studies!!

There is also flew Web-Based math homework. That's so awesome. I have a picture posted below. Click on it and it will bring you to the Online Prep Test website to their free sample math homework. Check it out.

If you are looking for an easy way to help your kids to be the best that they can be and give them the best advantages possible, Online Test Prep is a great way to go. What our kids do in school will directly affect how their whole life goes. Getting into a good college, obtaining a degree, securing a career, all depends on how they were doing in high school.

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