Why Has the World Gone So Crazy Over Fidget Spinners?

Why Has the World Gone So Crazy Over Fidget Spinners?

In the blink of an eye, it seems as if the world has gone crazy over fidget spinners. They are the cool new toys of this season and it seems that this one trend is here to stay. The internet has also ruled that fidget spinners are useful for dealing with stress, nervousness, anxiety, and other non-neurotypical conditions.
Made from metal or plastic with a center bearing and three rounded prongs which spin around it, fidget spinners and fidget toys are usually intended for mindless play while taking classes or working.
While there is little scientific evidence that playing with a fidget spinner can actually boost concentration, they seem to work great for people with mild attention disorders or as a device to relieve stress or anxiety.

Brief History of Fidget Spinners
Interestingly, the top of the fidget spinners is one of the oldest toys/artifacts of human civilization. Dating back to 5,500 years or more, these tops have been found in ancient Mesopotamian sites as well as in the tomb of King Tut in Egypt.
According to the inventor of fidget spinners, Catherine Hettinger, the idea for this modern device was conceived after she saw Israeli children throw stones at police officers. She invented fidget spinners as a way of letting children deal with their anxiety and to promote peace – a worthy goal as any.

Popularity Today
According to Google, online searches for fidget spinners began climbing this year around April. Their recent popularity can potentially be linked to the myriad of YouTube videos based on cool fidget spinner tips and tricks. These devices are now being marketed as an easy solution for issues such as anxiety, ADHD and autism, based on the premise that spinning the toy can increase focus and reduce stress.
While opponents of this trend argue that there is no scientific study to back the claim that fidget spinners can actually treat mental health disorders, it has to be noted that there has been no research conducted on the use of this device specifically. Furthermore, many other studies have indicated that fidgeting, in general, can help increase neurotransmitters which promote concentration and focus, just like clicking a pen or tapping your foot repeatedly.
Even if your problem is the opposite of lack of attention, these devices can be used to relax between tasks. For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed and tired, the fidget spinner can be used to clear your mind and thoughts during a much-needed break. Since it’s extremely repetitive and requires no thought, it can be an effective way to ‘reset’ yourself.
What’s even more interesting about this toy is that it is a potential salve for smartphone addiction. It serves to keep your hands busy so you are not constantly tempted to reach for your phone –a habit which has become almost instinctive over the years.

The Siren Call of Fidget Spinners
It’s clear to see that these new toys have a siren call – you see people fidget spinning out on the roads, inside shopping centers, on school playgrounds, they seem to be everywhere. Once you give in and buy your very own spinner, you will become addicted.
Fidget spinners also look infinitely cooler than plain fidgeting with your belongings and can stop you from making a mess at your workstation or in the house. Remember those split ends you peel, the cardboard coasters you shred or the stuffing in your comfy sofas that you pull out through a small hole? Fidget spinners are guaranteed to stop you from fidgeting pointlessly. As proven by science, they can also increase your concentration levels and allow you to focus on the task at hand.
For instance, if you are worried about a looming deadline, but just can’t seem to concentrate on work, then taking a few minutes out to play with a cool fidget spinner can help you to clear your mind.
Like all good trendy devices, there are also a number of tricks you can learn with fidget spinners. A simple search on the internet is bound to yield numerous fidget spinner hacks and tricks which you can learn to impress your colleagues, friends, and family. Fidget spinner hacks can also become your new party trick and can be a great conversation starter.

The benefits of these devices are numerous. From being useful for children and adults with mild disorders such as ADHD or anxiety, these cool new toys can also help sharpen your focus and increase your concentration. With these, you also know you are in good company – your ancestors and their ancestors before them probably played with similar devices.
Have an irritating boss? A class you aren’t fond of? Stressed out at home? No problem, fidget spinners can be a very handy tool for stopping the build-up of stress and anxiety. They can upon occasion also be used to calm yourself down in stressful situations.


  1. I am not a fan of them. I prefer something softer that smells good. Like the dough that you work stress off with. But to each their own.
