Taming my Cholesterol With HeartSavior With Co-Q10

When you go in for your yearly check-up, are you happy with what you hear? The last two years I have been nervous to go in. I know I haven't taken great care of myself. I know it's not a great excuse but for my kids and husbands needs, I do tend to put myself last. When I am done with all of the runnings for them and getting my work done, I want to sit and relax. That doesn't sound bad in writing but, I have gained 10 pounds in the last year, to me, that's a lot.

Being a busy mom, I have a tendency to overlook issues with myself. I notice something different with my body then get sidetracked by a sniffly nose, fighting teens, cooking meals, doctor appointments,  or any other random act of mom-ness.  It was definitely time to take a minute, listen to my body and start thinking of the future.

HeartSavior has a Co-Q10 supplement to help me boost the naturally occurring Co-Q10  I already make. Every cell in our bodies needs it to produce energy, something we need to function on the day-to-day.

Co-Q10 also helps with lowering bad cholesterol.  When I had my yearly check up a few months ago, I found out that my bad cholesterol was high and my good cholesterol was low. Knowing that my heart needs me to figure this out before it becomes a problem,  I was more than happy to try out Heart Saviors formula.

When I first found out about my cholesterol issues a few years ago, I didn't pay much attention to it. I decided to go the diet route instead of the medication/supplemental route. I thought it was working, I was wrong. With this checkup proving my efforts were not enough, I needed a little help.

Heart Savior has helped so many other people with their over the counter supplements lower their total cholesterol and help their overall well being, I knew they could help me too. With a 10-year track record with hundreds of thousands of happy, healthy customers, I am the next one.

There have been no side effects either. I have had no extra acids, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, excessive hunger, memory loss or anything like that.

I always worry myself before I change my routine, although my intentions are well, I usually talk myself out of taking supplements before I even begin. I'm happy I didn't do that this time.

The main reason for wanting to take the Co-Q10 over the counter supplement is to strengthen my heart muscle and get my cholesterol in check. Did you know that Co-Q10 also has benefits for the skin? It helps the elastin which helps firm the skin and prevent sagging. What a perk! That's like giving myself a high 5 just for caring how my heart feels!

I mean, I know I'm super mom and all but it is up to me to take care of me. That's why when I had the opportunity to work with HeartSavior, I was so happy I could take the time out for me. 

New Health (HeartSavior) has recently become certified Glyphosate Residue-Free! Check it out here: https://vimeo.com/237151326

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I received this product for free to faciltate this review. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us directly at [email protected] or [email protected] We love hearing from you!! 


  1. Thank you for this information! I just found out that I have high cholesterol! I am going to ask my doctor about this!
