How You Can Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency

There are several ways you can prevent Vitamin D Deficiency. Vitamin D is important because it plays a great role in the bone health. It regulates the absorption of calcium and levels of phosphorous in the body which helps in making you achieve strong bones. The vitamin is naturally synthesized in the body through exposure to the sun. You can as well eat foods rich in vitamin D to increase its amount on the body. You should check out healthy food which you can eat and increase your levels of calcium and vitamin D in the body. Some of the ways you can increase your levels of vitamin D in the body and prevent cases, where you will be exposed to vitamin D deficiency, including the following:

Spend at least 30 minutes in the sun daily

To increase the amount of vitamin D in your body, you need to gain exposure to the sun. There are several ways you can increase your chances of spending more time under the sun. For example, you can start learning to play ukulele while under the sun and make a habit. There are also several sports you can undertake while under the sun so that you can increase the amount of vitamin D in your body. To enjoy the benefits of vitamin D due to sun exposure, you should always ensure you are in direct contact with the sun’s rays. Using sunscreen and glasses to block direct rays of the sun will not help a lot if you are looking for ways you can increase the amount of vitamin D in your body.

Use Vitamin D supplementation

To prevent Vitamin D Deficiency, you need to take vitamin D supplements. Supplements such as vitamin D3 drops are readily available in the market. Apart from workout equipment like rowing machine which can help you train the bones to achieve great strength, you can as well rely on the vitamin supplements to improve your health. It is easy to use the supplements as a way of trying to improve your health. For example, you can order online and read the dosage on the labels. They are easy to work and will offer quick results which are unlike relying on food substances rich in vitamin D. Most stores which sell sleeping aid items also sell the supplements which you can use to fight vitamin D deficiency.

Eat foods containing vitamin D

Foods such as yogurt, cheese, fatty fish and egg yolks are rich in vitamin D. you can increase the intake of such foods in your family so that you can prevent Vitamin D Deficiency. If you decide to eat fish as a way of increasing the intake of vitamin D in your family, try to go for species such as tuna which are known to contain high levels of vitamin D. Your family members will enjoy good health if you can take time and increase the stock of foods rich in vitamin D in your family.

Take High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil

You can as well buy cod liver oil and use it in your family. It contains high levels of vitamin D which play a great role in helping you achieve great success in your fight to prevent vitamin D deficiency. There are several online stores where you can buy the oil and improve your health. The cod liver can be mixed with other types of foods so that children can enjoy taking the vitamin. You should make efforts and increase the intake of the vitamin in your family so that you can avoid health complications related to vitamin D deficiency. You can have your levels of vitamin D tested on a regular basis so that you can take necessary steps before it is too late. If you are breastfeeding, then it is necessary ensuring you have enough vitamin D so that your baby will be born with good health? Mothers should test their levels of vitamin D on a regular basis and increase them through exposure to the sun or eat food rich in vitamin D. They can as well use supplements sold in the market so that they can achieve the desired levels of vitamin D so that babies can enjoy good health when born.

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