Sleep Over Must Haves- Sleepwear by Jashe

Have you ever noticed that teen/tween girls are hard to shop for? If you haven't had the luxury of enjoying that and your precious little girls are still just sweet precious little girls, just wait. It happens fast. One day they are sweet, the next they are contrary. They are in that in-between stage where toys aren't cool anymore but they already have a style all their own going on so shopping for clothes can be a headache too.

Oh, the good old days when a gift bag of crafting items was the way to go. I think I pulled that off for three years in a row with at least 4 kids in our family. Those days are long gone by at least a week now. HAHAHA Everything is changing so fast. I wonder if they really even know what they want half of the time!

One thing I can be certain on is pajamas. It's summertime. These girls are constantly having sleepovers and get-togethers with their friends. When school is out, they all have at least one buddy with them constantly.

We just got to work with Jashe on a review of their super soft cotton pajamas. These are the perfect pair to any sleep over. They are cute, comfortable, and they have pockets!! They offer a few different colors, prints, and styles with their pajamas. They have the sets with the cute shorts and tops that include t-shirt or tank top, nightgown for kids and for women's sizes.

These are big kid jammies so they are perfect for the tween/teens.

  • Super soft to the touch- comfort is key when you are trying to sleep.
  • Cotton so they aren't going to be hot and sweaty trying to sleep.
  • Pockets- for every reason, I love pockets.
  • Pull on- they have an elastic band on the shorts so they are easy to wear and not tug.
  • Super cute!- These pj's are absolutely adorable!

The printed bunnies are so sweet. The color contrast with the pink, orange, and white is a nice color scheme. They aren't bright and outstanding. To me they all

I got these for my niece but as soon as I opened them all three of our daughters wanted a pair. To be honest, that never happens! None of them ever ALL want the same clothing item.

What I like most about the pajamas is they are cute enough to wear during the day or out to the store. They look like a cute outfit. What happens here a lot in the summertime, there isn't a set bedtime or wake up time. Sometimes when we get we realize that we have to make a quick trip to the store. When the kids have just wakened up and are in their pj's I make them wait in the car. It's not abuse, the youngest is almost 13.

These cute pj's from Jashe I would let them wear into the store without embarrassment. That says a lot!

I just want to say a big thank you to Jashe for making the big girl sizes. It's hard to find age-appropriate clothes for bigger sized kids. I have run into the problem of having to but women's sizes for my preteen/teen because they don't offer kids clothes in their size.

I'm here to tell you, kids shape and women's shape is totally different. I don't want my young daughter wearing hip defined clothing. I don't want them trying to wear body defining clothes at their ages. Jashe offers clothes in the 12, 14, 16 and 14, 16, 18.

This set is available on Amazon with free 2-day shipping. I received this for free to facilitate this review. If you have any questions about this product please feel free to email me directly.
Amy [email protected]

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