Weight Loss Goal Setting and A Real Live Personal Coach on Kudos

What is your biggest issue when it comes to failing a "Get Healthy" plan? I have a one-word statement... Accountability. That is just the reality of it, guys. We lie to ourselves daily because why does it matter if we miss the goals that we tell ourselves? It's not hurting anyone, it's only me that knew. I was trying anyway. Trying accounts for something, doesn't it? It's the thought that counts, right? Hmmm, I guess not in every situation. Thinking good thoughts of what I would do with a 50 lb lighter self, isn't going to get me a 50lb lighter self. Kudos to me from here on out.

I have a lot of time to think. I'm not disappointed in one little donut. I earned it. Or whatever I may be telling myself. Yes, I am. I am horribly disappointed in myself when I don't stick to the plan. Especially when it's been 6 months and the event I was wanting to look and feel great at is here and I am still in the same damn size, or bigger.

That's when the accountability would have been amazing. Those past 6 months, 12 months, 5 years without accountability, really have kept me failing, time and again. I had plenty of time to get my self together but I just didn't. I had great intentions but we all know what they say about intentions. I have excuses I like to call "reasons" because "excuses" sounds harsh. Which is also pushing on my accountability. I honestly have no reason why I couldn't have taken 20  minutes a day to put my ass on that exercise bike that I posted pics of, on all of my social media.

So another one-word statement that has a huge impact... Motivation. Being and staying motivated is a lot harder than it sounds in my head. I haven't had the motivation to actually do it in a long time. Like, decades. Now that I'm an adult, I work from home and my family is proud of me no matter what I do or look like, it helps me settle into the lazier route. When my main focus is caring for them, my biggest excuse is "I don't have time" between work and kid schedules, I am pretty busy. But, I am not too busy to do something to make myself feel better or have a healthier life.

So why all of this? Why now? Because it's time. My struggle with self-happiness has lasted my whole life. A few years ago ( yes, here we go with that story again) I was nearly 300lbs and struggling with my weight to a point it was affecting my health. I got scared after a checkup with my doctor and I decided, it was time to do something. I worked really hard, I made food sacrifices, I chose better life choices, and I lost over 100lbs over the course of 2 years. I kept it off for almost 5 years.

I'm not sure if my metabolism shifted, my working at a desk finally catching up with me, or what happened but, my 195lb weight is not the 168lb weight I enjoyed resting at. I feel like I have failed myself and all of the supporters I had. Not to mention all of the people that said I could never do it, to begin with, they win now :(

What I need is a real helper. Not someone screaming in my face. I need encouragement, not someone carrying me through. I need a direction to get pointed out for me because I honestly don't know where to start. Kudos has that, all of it.

Everyone can start out with a free 7 day trial period. I love that option. Why it works so great for me is because I have a whole week to decide if I can stick with it before I have to decide if it's something I want to purchase.

Kudos offers help from a real coach, a professional, that offers a starting point, and helps the whole way through. This is amazing, really. So far in all of my weight loss battles, I have been flying solo, this is an amazing program that helps me get and stay motivated.

My experience so far has been great. My personal coach is named John and we communicate with my phone so I have instant access, through SMS messaging. I have unlimited messaging so that works out great for me, no hidden fees!!

I answered a few quick questions about my goals and reason for signing up. We went over my preferences and he set me up with a plan,my plan!!

Purchasing the program for extended use is so cheap!! Have you ever checked into a training program as far a cost goes? It is definitely an investment. It's something you don't want to slack on because you will really want to have something to show for your expenses. What it costs to have Kudos, you can afford to get back in shape and buy the new hot clothes to show it off in!!

That's a huge difference.

My personal exercise plan is so awesome! It came with a video tutorial to show exactly how to do every step of the program and how long it should take. I love that. I have a personal coach, a personal plan, and all of the tools to help me become a better me! Do you know how awesome it is knowing I have someone to back me up?! It's more than amazing, it's empowering.

My coach put this together for me. I don't want to give away all of the goodies because I want you to do it with me but, here is a sample of what MY Foundation Total Body A looks like.

Yes, you read that right. In the message that I received, it also has a timer IN THE MESSAGE!! I don't have to get out any other tools. I just need me and my workspace. It's a plan I can do right in my living room before I get the kids up, after they get on the bus, or even invite them to get moving with me! I really do love this.

Next, we will be working on the nutritional portion of the program. By keeping track of what I am eating really does make me feel more accountable. For me, it's not food that throws my calorie count over the top. It's the soda that I drink. I realized a few months I drink my 2000 daily calories. that is crazy!!

My food intake is rarely over 1,000 calories. I was completely honest with my coach and he is so supportive and understanding. He let me know that there were 3 pathways I could take.
1. Cold turkey
2. Reduce my soda intake gradually but aggressively
3. replacing it with diet soda.

SinceI have to go in tomorrow for a dental procedure tomorrow, I am attempting cold turkey. I've done it before, I can do it! Besides, if I can't manage that, he said to send him a message and well go over other options. That is so cool!! Honestly, no one in my life except my dentist really has any concerns with my soda intake.

This has got to be the most amazing support team I have ever worked with. And it's only day 2!!

If you are looking for an awesome way to get a personal coach to help you meet your goals this is it. Even Aron is excited for me that I have a support system in place for myself.

Check out Kudos on their website and social media.


  1. I hadn't heard of Kudos until now. It might help, especially if you need that sense of having someone on your side, watching your progress. That can only help.

  2. Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.

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