Can You Get Braces As An Adult?

20 years ago, just 1% of braces patients were adults, now with our culture becoming more inclusive and the stigma around braces having fallen, that figure has risen to 50% with more and more adults choosing to realign their teeth and get the smile they’ve always wanted. In fact, getting braces as an adult can be easier than having them put on as a child.

It’s a choice you’ve made

Choosing to get braces and being told you need braces as a child are two different feelings. Making the choice to get braces can help you to deal with the challenges that come with them and give you a more positive outlook when things may seem a little tough.

You’re more likely to brush and floss properly 

Dental hygiene can become more difficult with braces and so it’s very important to brush and floss daily. As a child this seemed like a chore, as an adult, it’s an investment we are more willing to make.

You have more confidence

Having braces as a child is often difficult for confidence and self-esteem. As an adult, you are likely to be more self-assured and less bothered by what others think about you.

But what if you don’t want metal braces?

Although metal braces are a common choice due to their availability, cost, durability and strength, many adults still don’t want a metal smile, even if it is just for a short period of time. Thankfully n recent years we have seen many advancements in dental technology leading to a number of equally effective alternatives to braces as an adult such as:

Clear braces

Clear braces sit on the front of the teeth but are far less obvious than their metal cousins, they are sometimes made of tooth coloured porcelain or clear plastic depending on the variety chosen. They are still very effective at moving teeth but can be more costly than metal versions and the clear brackets and wires can stain if not cared for correctly.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces are the same as metal braces but they sit on the back of the teeth making them invisible from the front. Because they are situated on the back of the teeth, lingual braces can be difficult to clean and are often more expensive to have fitted, they can also be quite uncomfortable at first and will require regular adjustment which can take longer due to their tricky positioning. They are a good option for people who do not want visible braces but require quite severe dental realignment.


Invisalign consists of a number of plastic mouth guard style aligners which are worn over the teeth and replaced every few weeks to slowly adjust the teeth to a new position. Being virtually invisible and enabling the wearer to eat and drink whatever they want, they are a popular alternative to metal wired braces. However, they often aren’t suitable for severe dental problems and can be a more costly option due to the number of personalised retainers that need to be made.

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