Laundry Detergent Sheets!? Biodegradable Concentrated Laundry Detergent

Have you ever thought how easy laundry would be if the soap was as easy to measure as a dryer sheet? Just to think, no measuring, no pouring, no spilling, no overly soaped residue on the clothes. Just easy 1 sheet of laundry detergent and toss it right on in the washer with the clothes and call it a day. I know that would be awesome for me. 

Did you know, that's now a possibility! I would have never thought something like this could actually happen. The awesome people over at Earthbreeze have figured out how to make it happen. Their product and packaging are biodegradable cardboard with NO plastic. 

Have you ever had a liquid soap spill? I personally have had that wonderful experience of spilled laundry detergent and believe me when I say, it is not fun to clean up. If you make it through the disaster without turning your laundry room into an adult-sized slip n slide, you have to be a master and I need tips on your survival. 

What do I think is so awesome about the Earthbreeze brand? They have found a way to make a product that everyone needs and make it in a way that will benefit us now and in the future. 

One sheet of detergent is one full load of laundry. How simple is that? A regular load of clothes to wash is half of a sheet. A full load of clothes is a full sheet. Super dirty clothes, throw in two sheets. The comparison is so easy to calculate 1 = 1. 1 sheet equals one pod or 1 cup of regular detergent. For people that go to the laundry mat, just check the tag on the washer to see how many loads you are working with. Some of those big machines hold 3 full loads. Those are my favorite!! 

Another thing I really like is the good clean scent of the detergent. It's not heavily perfumed, it's just enough to make the clothes smell nice and clean.  They do offer a scent-free which is really scent-free. 

On their website, you can find some really great information about the world plastic crisis and ideas of how to help make it better. Do you have any ideas? Do you know how bad the world plastic crisis is? I honestly didn't know the full extent of it until I was writing this post. I mean, I knew it was a problem but I didn't know just how big of a problem. 

Did you know that over 700,000,000 plastic laundry jugs end up in our landfills, oceans, or incinerated every year? That's enough plastic to be the size of FIVE Statues Of Liberty! Plastic can take 1000 years to decompose, Earthbreeze packaging only takes about 3 months. Can you imagine the space in landfills and oceans that that is taking up? 

I would have never thought of the Statue of Liberty as a comparison. I haven't seen it in person but I have seen it in pictures. It's 305 feet tall. I am 5.5 feet tall, that's 55 1/2 of me, tall!

I received this product for free as a gift to facilitate this review. If you have any questions please feel free to email me directly. 

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