The Top Signs You're Getting Old

If we are lucky, we get the chance to grow old one day. It's a privilege to be able to age, and yet so many of us dread it! It comes with aches and pains, sight issues and even forgetfulness. Another issue that comes with ageing is hearing loss, and though it may seem like school was only five minutes ago, it wasn't. The days are long but the years are short, and it creeps up on you before you have a chance to blink.

There are plenty of signs out there that will tell you that you're getting older, though, and paying attention to those signs is important if you want to be healthy as you get older. No one wants to feel those aches and pains and if you can avoid feeling sore as you move, you should. Let's dive into the top signs you are aging - lucky you!

Your Hearing Is "Blurry". Whether you are turning up the TV more and more, or you aren't able to hear your friends in a crowded cafe, you need to learn more about how your hearing is affected as you age. That fuzziness in your hearing, the way everything feels like its mumbling around you? That's a sign of ageing. Of course, hearing loss happens for a lot of reasons, but age is the number one reason behind the decline in your hearing. Get an appointment with your audiologist if you notice changes!

Classic Rock Is Your Jam. Ah, those early 90s classics and earlier are playing on repeat in your car and at home, despite 30 years having gone by. You could learn about the music of today, but to you it's all noise - uh, oh! You sound like your parents, and that means that enough time has passed for you to appreciate all of the times they told you to turn it down!

Snap, Crackle, Pop. Every time you stand up from the sofa, a joint crackles and snaps. You can hear those pops that your body is making and you wince. As we get older, the muscle thins between the joints and creates water pockets. When these pop, you are hearing the noise of your joints moving around. Ouch!

The Eyes Don't Have It. Those signs you used to be able to read from a distance when driving have suddenly blurred into one blob. The tiny writings on your prescription bottle are blurring into each other, too. Your eyes are declining, which is common as we age. You should make an appointment with an optician and get your eyes checked and supported with glasses if necessary.

All is Lost! That sounds more dramatic than it needs to be, but when you can't find your shoes, your glasses, your clothes - it gets a little much when everything seems to go missing no matter what you do. Your keys never end up where you left them, except they;re there, you just can't see them!

You Can't Handle A Drink. You may not drink wine very often, but if you find that you are unable to have even a glass without that horrid hangover feeling, your age just may be catching up with you. Long gone are the days of tequila slammers at 4am, followed by turning up to work at 7am. Now? Now you can't get through one glass of red without feeling it. RIP nightly glass of delicious! It's all about that warm milk at bedtime now, and you can sleep better as a result.

Speaking Of Sleep...! Insomnia is very common in seniors. You need less sleep the older you get, and you will find yourself being woken in the night by your bladder from time to time. A lack of sleep can be bad for your health, so the best thing that you can do is ensure that you are ready to sleep and stick to a good schedule to remain rested!

Technology Scares You. The ultimate test of age is that technology and the advancements in computers around you is terrifying. You're doing all you can to keep up, but it's all moving a little too fast for your liking. Technology should be exciting, not scary, and the new advances should make you feel excited to be a part of the new digital age. If something scares you, jump right in!

Goodbye, Hair. Your mane has long been something that has made you happy, but it's slowly going grey and - eek! - falling out! Hair thins as we get older, but that doesn't mean that you have to be happy about it!

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