Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing and Happiness in 2021

The global pandemic is still around and affecting our daily lives, still this year is likely to be a lot less topsy-turvy than 2020 – at least we have some semblance of what to expect. This means we can adjust our expectations and plan a little better. We all deserve better wellness this year and it's important we pay attention to this and ensure we get it. Here are top ways to support your wellbeing this year. 

Get into Mindfulness

Mindfulness isn't just for religious people it can be used by anyone to improve and enhance your quality of life. The great thing about mindfulness is you can practice it wherever you are and at any time of day or night.

Whether you are standing in a queue waiting for a bank teller, sitting in the passenger seat of a car, or watching a TV series with your partner, bring your attention onto the present moment and become aware of yourself. 

Go Vegan

People choose a vegan diet for many reasons. Some choose it because they care about animals, others because they care about the planet, others go vegan for health reasons, a vegan diet is good for the waistline. But it's also good for your overall well being.

When you choose to follow a vegan diet you become automatically more ethical. You no longer contribute to animal cruelty or unnecessary carbon emissions. Moreover, you eat a diet high in nutrients and minerals and low in fat, so you get slimmer as well. 

Improve Your Smile

Are you unhappy with your teeth? You might have teeth that are crooked or broken, or they might have become less white than you would like over time. Deciding to improve your smile can give you more confidence and help you enjoy social occasions more fully.

You don't have to reinvent your mouth at a family dentist to improve your smile, although that is an option in the case of crowns, white fillings, and implants. Even scale and polish will make your mouth feel fresher, cleaner, and more presentable. 

Get Creative

Humans are creative creatures, we will always find ways of solving problems and making art even if we are living on a deserted planet. Especially if we are living on a deserted planet with little else to do.

This year you should embrace your creative brain and go with the flow if you want to increase your happiness and well being. Choose something you have an inclination for and find a class to join or a course to take. When you get into that flow state you will understand why art is so enjoyable.

Indulge in Nature

It's well known that proximity to nature can improve your mental and emotional states and contribute to better health and wellbeing – why do so many people long to live in the countryside or in the desolate hills.

This year make a point of indulging in nature to improve your wellness. Choose a walking route in the forest or the mountains and follow it at least once a week. You will soon realise that once a week isn't nearly enough.

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