4 Post-workout Tips to Boost Your Results and Improve Recovery

Rest and recovery are crucial components of any strength and conditioning program. In fact, coaches, trainers, and fitness experts all agree that having a good post-workout routine can be as important as the workout itself.

First, the immediate benefits: it can prevent injuries and replenish the energy that you’ve expended while exercising. Meanwhile, long-term advantages include better physical performance. Such a routine can also prevent muscle inflammation, overtraining, and burnout. Additionally, a great post-workout routine helps to grow muscle and keeps you from plateauing.

In this guide, we’ve included some tried and true post-workout techniques that have always proven to be effective. These include properly massaging your muscles and wearing men’s compression socks, to name a few. We’ve also added some lesser-known strategies that can supercharge your results. Check out our tips below:

Use a Foam Roller

Getting a massage after working out can relieve muscle soreness and stimulate cell recovery. However, you can only fully maximize these benefits if you can get one immediately after exercising, and sometimes that simply isn’t possible.

A good alternative is to use a foam roller to perform self-myofascial release techniques. The best time to do this is before you move on to stretching during the last phase of your workout session, though it’s also a good idea to do them before you start exercising. Though the massage may not be painless, it can improve flexibility, increase blood flow, and enhance circulation. It can also break up those knots that you may feel in your soft tissues.

Foam rollers are relatively cheap online and there’s plenty of available information on the internet about how to use them. Experts recommend applying these rollers to especially tender areas and keeping them there until the discomfort goes away. You’ll feel so much better afterward.

Cool Down and Stretch Properly

Experts recommend starting recovery before you even leave the gym. An intense workout creates metabolic waste products in your body that all need to be flushed out before you can fully rest. It’s also important to ease your heart rate down until it returns to its normal resting level. Failing to do so can lead to dizziness or even fainting.

Fortunately, an effective cooldown routine can help to gradually lower your heart rate to pre-exercise levels. Combining it with a gentle activity like stretching allows you to more productively use your time. It also aids in muscle growth, which can lead to better performance during your next workout. Both cooling down and stretching are also vital to minimizing the effects of delayed onset muscle soreness such as muscle pain, stiffness, and swelling.

Doing a bit of light cardio and then stretching while your muscles are still warm and pliable can do wonders for your recovery. It doesn’t have to take too long, either. An extra 15 minutes to take care of your body after exercising should do.

Hydrate and Refuel

Depending on the intensity of your workout and the temperature of your immediate environment, your body can lose over a quart of water after an hour of exercise. And while that may not sound like much, the effects of being dehydrated can range from feeling uncomfortable to becoming downright dangerous for your health. If you don’t replenish the water in your body throughout your workout and immediately after it, you may experience fatigue, muscle cramps, nausea, and even loss of coordination or mental confusion.

Fortunately, you can avoid all of these health issues by staying hydrated. Experts recommend drinking between 8 to 10 ounces of water after your workout, and at least 17 to 20 ounces before you head to the gym.

You’ll also want to make plans to eat after you work out, ideally within 20 to 30 minutes of finishing your routine. Don’t gorge on junk food, though. Your post-workout snack should include protein, some healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates that can bring your energy back up.

Use Compression Socks

Some experts swear by compression therapy as an excellent way to help sore muscles recover faster after any workout. Compression socks, in particular, can alleviate any swelling and poor circulation you may feel in the muscles of your feet and legs after exercising.

When you work out, blood rushes down to the lower parts of your body. Wearing compression socks essentially pushes blood flow back up the veins in your legs, thus improving circulation. This also helps your tired muscles heal faster, so you’ll be ready to go harder the next time you hit the gym.

Working out through your fatigue simply won’t do you any favors. A lack of proper recovery can lead to overtraining, which can result in a number of negative physiological effects. You’ll only feel more fatigued, your muscles will become inflamed, and your workouts simply won’t be as productive or rewarding. Take the time to rest and recover, and you’ll be more refreshed and energized for your next session.

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