Why Moms-To-Be Love The Nesting Phase

Nesting - it’s probably a term you’re already familiar with. It’s the observation that moms love to prepare their homes for the arrival of newborn babies. It’s almost instinctive - hence the name.

In the past, people believed that nesting heralded mothers going into labor. But research has found that the instinct can begin to ramp up the moment you decide to have kids. You want everything to be just perfect.

What forms can nesting take?

Well, for starters, it involves getting all of the stuff that you’ll need to raise your baby. There’s the crib, baby changing facilities, and perhaps even a breast pump. But beyond that, it also means making the house safe and ready for children. Your property could require all sorts of work.

For instance, you might need to clear out mold from your basement to protect your little one against allergies. Or you may need to hire a window installation company to install double-glazing to stop temperatures from dropping too low at night. You may even consider getting the electrics done to eliminate the risk of faulty connections and fires.

Moms love the nesting instinct. In this post, therefore, we explore why.

It Lets You Bond With Your Baby

Having a baby growing in your abdomen can sometimes feel like a bit of a surreal experience. How the heck is it even possible?

But the reality is that there is a real human being growing inside you. And so any pregnant mom-to-be should look for opportunities to bond with it.

Nesting is perhaps the best way to begin forging this bond. That’s because it gets you thinking about what your life will be like once the baby finally arrives. It can be exciting to decorate their room and buy all the furniture that they need. Plus, it helps to make the entire process feel more practical and real.

You Can Create An Inventory Of Baby Items

Nothing is more special than creating a big list of inventory items to make your baby feel welcome in your home. You can spend literally hours collecting all your baby stuff and organizing their wardrobe. What's more, people love babies, and so they will no doubt shower you with gifts and things that you need, so you may not even need to buy them yourself. That’s always a bonus!

It’s A Chance To Spend More Time With Family

The nesting phase often coincides with a marked uptick in the amount of time that you spend with your family. Everyone seems to want to get involved.

Many family members, especially those who already have children, will take it in their stride and get involved. People want to help you as much as possible before the birth of the baby.

It’s An Excuse To Update Your Home

Updating your home for the arrival of your new baby can be fun in and of itself. In many cases, you have to rethink how you’re going to use every room. This process often marks the transition between being a young professional and a full time parent!

Nesting mother hens usually start in their newborn’s bedroom, altering the position of all of the interior furniture and features. They then move onto other parts of the house, particularly the kitchen, thinking about how they could upgrade it to support the arrival of their newborn. Other activities include decluttering, getting rid of any lingering garbage and giving away furniture that you don’t need.

It Helps You Feel More In Control

When you’re pregnant, you can get the unnerving sense that you are no longer in control of your life. But when you start nesting, that feeling goes away. Suddenly, you realize that this is your life now - and it’s a good thing!

Changing how the house appears can, in many cases, help you to reset your brain and reminds you that you’re in charge of what happens. Nesting lets you cook up plans and then execute them. If a specific item doesn’t fit with your current interior décor plans, you can toss it.

It Allows You To Indulge Your Primal Roots

Modern society doesn’t allow women to indulge their primal instincts very often. So when a baby comes along, it’s your big opportunity. There’s nothing more basic or fundamental in life than reproducing. So when you nest, you feel a certain connection to your ancestral past, sometimes going back millions of years.

Primal senses like this can feel a little odd. If you’re used to using the intellectual part of your mind, ceding control to pure instinct seems like a bad idea. But you have to remember that instinct is there for a reason: to ensure that both you and your baby have the best chances possible. Don’t view primal urges as something you have to fight. Instead, view them as an indulgence and something you can enjoy.

It Lets You Surround Yourself With Loving People

The moment you announce that a baby is on the way, the people who care about you automatically spring into action, offering to help in whatever way they can. When you are pregnant, though, you can afford to be much pickier with who you spend time with. This way, you can craft a social environment for yourself which meets your needs, not somebody else’s.

Nesting is also a chance for you to enjoy this special time more with the people you love and care about most. Often, friends and family have great ideas for how you can create the perfect nesting setup in your home. Bring them in for a brainstorming session and see how far you get.

It Makes You Feel More Accomplished

Lastly, nesting gives you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Bringing a child into the world is a huge deal. But when you nest, you remind yourself that you’re a capable and competent adult. You really can do this, although it seems like a massive uphill struggle sometimes.

So, that, in a nutshell, is why moms-to-be love the nesting phase. It’s one of the most exciting times in any woman’s life.

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