How To Create A Comfortable Home This Cold Season

It has been found that the temperature can drop to as low as -70 degrees during the winter season. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your home warm and cozy during the cold months. There are various methods to achieve this, such as insulating your home and creating a warm atmosphere with decorations. With the right approach, you can make sure that your living space remains comfortable and soothing. Keep reading to learn some essential tips for maintaining a warm home during the winter season.

Prepare your windows

Windows account for a huge percentage of heat loss in a home, with estimates suggesting that up to 10% is lost through them. About two-thirds of the energy loss is because of the heat radiated through the glazing, while the rest is cause by the conduction through the frame and air leakages around the window. To tackle this issue, you can start by installing drapes or blinds to prevent heat loss through radiation. Next, inspect the frame for any draughts and seal them using self-adhesive foam strips or more effective metal or plastic strips with brushes. You can use a thermal sealant to plug any air gaps. However, keep in mind that many windows come with controlled ventilation to prevent condensation and dampness, so make sure to cover up those vents.

Adjust the spin on ceiling fans

In regions with warmer weather, ceiling fans are commonplace. They circulate air throughout the room by spinning counterclockwise. While some energy experts believe that using them in the hot season is a good idea, skeptics argue that they cool the air too much. However, in rooms with cathedral or high-sloped ceilings, ceiling fans can bring heated air down to earth. To reverse the blade rotation of the fan, slide the switch on the side of the motor to the clockwise position and run the fan at its lowest speed. If reversing the blade rotation is not possible or if the fan is cooling off the room too much, it is recommended to turn it off.

Keep cozy with curtains

During the winter season, cold air and draughts can find their way into your home through the windowpanes. To prevent this, consider investing in a new pair of curtains, especially if your current ones are past their best or unlined. This not only blocks the cold air from entering your room but also gives it a new look.

When choosing curtains, go for heavier ones as they provide better insulation. Lined curtains are also a great option as they offer more insulation than non-lined ones. You can keep your home extra warm by closing your curtains when you’re out and shutting them before it gets dark. During the day, you can open the curtains to let the sun in, which is free and environmentally friendly.

Inspect your home’s installation

During the winter season, a significant percentage of heat loss in an uninsulated home mostly occurs through the roof. It is essential to ensure that your home is adequately insulated to maintain warmth during this period. Not only will it keep your home cozy during the cold months, but it will also help maintain a comfortable temperature during the summer season, making it a worthwhile investment.

By insulating your home, you will be able to make the most of your heating and air conditioning, making it more cost-effective. Ideally, it should be installed when building or renovating a home. However, it is also possible to retrofit it to an existing home. While professionals are best suited to handle this installation process, capable home homeowners can often handle the ceiling and underfloor insulation.

Get an HVAC inspection

It is important to schedule an annual HVAC inspection before winter sets in to ensure that your system is working adeptly and to its full potential. Regular HVAC repair or maintenance helps extend the longevity of your system. Remember, taking good care it will ensure it lasts longer and works better, keeping your home cozy.

Go with the flow

While it may be tempting to place furniture close to the heater or dry wet clothes in front of it, doing so can restrict the flow of hot air throughout the house. To optimize the efficiency of your heat source, make sure no obstructions are blocking the flow of hot air.

Closing the doors to rooms that aren't in use can also help conserve energy and reduce your heating bill. There's no point in heating space that nobody is occupying, so only focus on the most functional places.

Use the oven to heat the house

After taking out the dinner from the oven, instead of closing the oven door, why not make use of the heat? Keep the oven door open and let the heat transfer slowly into your kitchen, which can help maintain a warm temperature in your home while you enjoy your meal. However, make sure to keep children and pets away from the oven door for safety reasons.

Install a door sweep

To prevent cold air from seeping beneath a door leading outside, you can install a door sweep if using a door snake seems inconvenient. This attachment, which resembles a long, thin broom, is installed along the bottom part of the door. You can cut it to fit using a hacksaw and keep it in place using four or five wood screws.

It's essential to check if cold air is getting in along the bottom edge of your garage door. Installing rubber garage door gaskets with 1-inch galvanized roofing nails can stop the cold air from entering.

Install a programmable thermostat

It's important to ensure that your home is warm and cozy when you return from work. With a smart thermostat, you have complete control of the temperature no matter where you are. This device can learn your daily and weekly routine and program itself by detecting when you're not home. They can then automatically adjust the temperature, making it an incredibly efficient way to manage your heating.

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