Why It’s Important To Look After Yourself Now More Than Ever

It’s ironic that at the time when people most need to look after themselves, it is often the time when they are least likely to. At the moment, during this period of lockdown and isolation due to the COVID 19 pandemic, many people are coping with the stress and the boredom by drinking more than they usually would - and this at a time when it might be more difficult to seek alcohol treatment. Others are eating more unhealthy food than usual, such as more snacks and takeaways as a way to comfort themselves. However, despite this being the way that most people are handling the situation, it really isn’t the best thing to be doing. If you look after yourself and engage in health-promoting behaviours such as getting a good night’s sleep, eating a balanced diet and exercising, you will be protecting yourself both physically and mentally from the Coronavirus. So how can you do this when you’re stuck at home?

Get Physically Active

While it’s important to go out for exercise, it’s also good to get physically active at home. There are tonnes of online workouts and classes available online now - either live or pre-recorded, and most of them are free as well. If that doesn’t suit you, you can find a plan or some instructions of a workout to do at home. You won’t need equipment, just a little bit of space. Also, don’t start too hard, there are small challenges you can do for thirty days which aren’t too overwhelming, don’t take too long, but they will get you moving, and that’s what’s important.

Balance your sitting time

Most people are spending more time than usual at home, sitting on their sofa or working from home. Knowing how much time you’re spending sitting down can help you maintain a balance. You can get some great tools to help you with this, such as using a standing desk for working from home and setting the alarm as a reminder to stand and move. Fitbits and other fitness trackers are good for this too as they will count your steps and remind you to get up if you’ve been sat down for too long.

Wash Your Hands

Keep washing your hands, even if you don’t think you’ve touched anything. Handwashing is still the number one tip for preventing the spread of Coronavirus, but it must be done properly and with soap and water or if not then alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Proper handwashing can prevent the spread of other viral illnesses such as cold and flu too and reduces the risk of getting other easily spread infections, such as SARS and MERS.

Get Outside

Fresh air is useful for processing and not just your thoughts, but your food. Getting outside for a stroll after you eat is extremely important if you are trying to lose weight. Fresh air also makes you more joyful as the more oxygen you breathe, the more serotonin you get, which can help your state of mind and give you a feeling of satisfaction and prosperity. Fresh air also cleans your lungs, reinforces your immune system and improves your circulatory strain and pulse. So get outside, it’s free, and it’s lovely.

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