Why Are You Losing Your Balance?

Maintaining your balance is a skill you develop early in life. As a toddler, the first thing you discover when you begin to walk is how hard it is not to fall! Thankfully, you rapidly get a grip on the whole balancing act. Walking is something we do every day without even thinking about it. It’s easy. It’s natural.

But things can become challenging when you struggle with your balance as an adult. Does it mean that you have to learn how to walk from scratch again?

If you find yourself uneasy on your feet, there could be a variety of reasons for it. But the sooner you can identify the issue, the quicker you can get it resolved. Why are you losing your balance, and how to recover it?

There’s something wrong with your ears

Your ears play a significant role in the balancing process. Minor lesions in the inner ear can lead to dizziness and even imbalance disorder, making it hard to control your direction when you walk. Typically, you can reach out to an audiologist for a balance assessment. The condition can seem alarming. But experts can provide treatment to rehabilitate your balance.

Balance disorders are often triggered by inner ear infections or pressure increase. In most cases, medication can alleviate the symptoms.

You limit your mobility

Most people don’t realize how vital their outfit choice can be. Clothes that limit your mobility when exercising can lead to a natural loss of balance and flexibility. For example, yoga workouts require stretchable clothing that allows you to move freely. A yoga or pilates workout routine emphasizes both mobility and balance. However, when your outfit compromises your mobility, you may not be able to move from one position to another safely. As a result, you can struggle with balance issues.

You can also experience similar issues with other workouts where clothes affect the fluidity of movements. This would be the case with restrictive or ill-fitted sportswear.

You get easily distracted

Are you the kind of person who trips on pavements or in the street? Your issue may not be related to an imbalance disorder but a lack of attention to your surroundings. We all have moments when we get distracted from real life. Perhaps, you’re lost in a daydream, and you are not looking where you’re going. While daydreaming can be a hugely productive process, it could come at the cost of scratches and bruises!

Nowadays, distractions tend to come from our phones too. Who hasn’t once almost tripped while reading a text message in the street? There’s no miracle solution. You only need to get your priorities right, walking first, distractions after!

You’ve got a weak muscle

In a perfect world, muscles on your right side should be as strong as those on your left side. However, it isn’t always the case. Whether you’ve got a dominant side or you’ve had a previous injury, weak muscles can create imbalance disorders. Thankfully, it is something you can correct through physiotherapy training.

Whether you feel like you are falling or struggle to maintain your balance, you’d be surprised to know that many adults can experience brief imbalance spells. However, more often than not, the issue is not health-threatening. In fact, it could be caused by something as trivial as your sports outfit!

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