Improving Your Mental Health And Wellbeing

Suicide is the most common cause of death for men under the age of 45. Not disease, not sad accidents, but themselves. That is a pretty horrific statistic. What makes it even worse is that in many cases, it can be avoided, if we knew what signs to look out for and prioritized the mental health and wellbeing of men.

While the problem with mental health is something huge at the moment, there are some steps that every man - and woman - can take to help their mental health and wellbeing and hopefully prevent themselves from becoming another sad statistic.

Get back to nature

According to a 2014 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, depression is connected to a sedentary lifestyle, so ditch the TV or games console and go for a walk.

It is even better if you can get back to nature. It has been found time and time again that reconnecting with nature is an effective part of a bigger strategy to improve mental health and wellbeing.

Find a hobby

Filling your time with important activities other than work will maintain your brain at its best, whether it is cycling, soccer, learning an instrument, or whatever floats your boat.

The Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology studied employed and jobless people and discovered that sociable rather than solitary leisure activities reduced depression and mental distress.

Pamper yourself

Contrary to popular belief, pampering is not just for women. In fact, men can get incredible benefits from taking part in a self care routine for men. Whether it is a long hot shower or soak in a bubble bath or going off for a massage or hair cut and shave, taking some time to look after yourself and indulge in some pampering and self care can be hugely beneficial.

Make sure that you are surrounded by positivity

People who have a strong social or familial network are often healthier than those who do not. Make arrangements with supportive family and friends, or look for activities that will allow you to meet new people, such as joining an organization, class, or support group.

Meditation and mindfulness

Meditation, mindfulness, or prayer are all good options. Relaxation exercises and prayer might help you feel better about yourself and your life. Meditation, in fact, has been shown to help you feel calmer and boost the results of therapy.

Set achievable goals

Decide what you want to accomplish academically, professionally, and personally, then lay down the steps to get there. Aim high, but stay grounded and do not overbook yourself. As you get closer to your objective, you will feel a fantastic sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

Steer clear of alcohol and narcotics

Limit your alcohol consumption and stay away from other substances. Alcohol and other drugs are sometimes used to self-medicate, but in truth, they merely intensify problems.

Ask for help

Asking for help is a sign of strength, not a show of weakness. It's also vital to realize that treatment works. People with mental illnesses and addictions can recover and live full, rewarding lives if they receive the proper care.

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