Getting Rid Of Acne When You Feel You've Tried Everything

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the world, suffered by both men and women. Although it is prevalent among teenagers, acne can affect people of all ages. It occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with dead skin cells and oil. When this happens, whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples develop.

There are numerous acne treatment methods on the market. However, acne can be very persistent. Sometimes you may feel like you tried everything without results. Below are some treatments you can try when you feel like nothing is working.

Try treating the acne by attacking its cause

Sometimes, acne treatments do not work because the core problem is not tackled. Some treatments are designed to tackle the symptoms of the condition but not the cause. Therefore, if you have tried various treatments and still see no results, it is time to attack the root cause of the acne. Acne can be caused by bacteria, clogged pores, inflammation, and excessive oil on the skin. Therefore, you can get rid of the condition by trying out treatments that attack these causes. For instance, if bacteria cause your acne, it would help treat Benzoyl Peroxide, which fights the bacteria.

On the other hand, if the cause is clogged pores or excess oil, then the best treatments should contain retinoids. The trick is first to determine the root cause of your acne. You can do this by visiting a dermatologist or reading about your condition and finding out all you need.

Follow the directions and acne treatment plan

Another reason your acne may not be going away is that you do not follow the treatment instructions properly. First, you will need a treatment plan from a dermatologist or medical professional. The trick to getting results is to follow the instructions carefully and use all the products included in the treatment plan. If you have purchased treatment products, ensure that you read the instructions. This includes how much and how often you use the products. Following the directions and plan keenly will give you the results you desire.

Take care of your skin properly

Acne-prone skin is typically sensitive. This means that it requires proper care lest you experience regular outbreaks. You can do this by washing your skin only twice per day, as washing it too often may make the condition worse. You can also take care of your skin by not subjecting it to harmful products. These products could keep you from seeing the results of the acne treatments.

Additionally, you may want to stop scrubbing your face and or anywhere else prone to acne. Scrubbing can irritate the skin and make your acne worse. It would be wise to seek skincare recommendations from a dermatologist.

Wash your pillow and everything that touches your skin

Using hats, pillows, and other products that come into contact with your face could cause dead skin cells, bacteria, and dirt to build up on the surface of your skin. Therefore, it would help to wash everything that touches your skin. It would also help to change your sheets and pillowcases at least twice per week.

Exercise patience

When trying out a new acne treatment, you may not see results immediately. People tend to get frustrated and abandon the treatment for another in a few days. However, this is a terrible idea. Going from one treatment to the next in a short time can make your condition worse. Therefore, it would help to practice patience. Give the treatment at least four weeks to produce results. If there are no results after four weeks or the condition worsens, you can try out a new treatment and see what happens.

Additionally, if you notice that the treatment is producing results, you should not stop using it. Instead, keep applying the treatment even after you see clearing. Doing this will help prevent new breakouts.


Treating acne takes more than just applying treatment products to your face. It also requires proper skin care and all the tips mentioned above. Doing everything listed above will help give you the results you need.

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